Thank you all for your advice!  I will be receiving her vet records soon and 
will go from there....

Glad I found this group of cat lovers:)  I've always been a cat person, but 
unfortunately I married a non-cat lover, so it's a challenge trying to get him 
to respect the kitty's I love.

Thanks again all!!




-----Original Message-----
From: MaiMaiPG <>
To: felvtalk <>
Sent: Fri, Jan 18, 2013 3:58 pm
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] stray cat I took in has feline leukemia

I got my dog to eat slower by putting golf balls in a pie pan with his  
food.  He was forced to pick around the balls to get to the food.
On Jan 15, 2013, at 7:29 PM, <> wrote:

> Tricia
> My Nitnoy lived a little over 4 years along with Annie who is also  
> positive and 5 others who are all negative.  My vet says that as  
> long as the negatives have their vaccination for FELV and here are  
> no fights where a positive bites a negative, there is very little  
> chance of the negatives getting it.  Nitnoy died after a short bout  
> with impacted glands that became infected.  That killed her, not the  
> FELV which simply lowered her ability to fight off the infection.   
> Annie is still going strong .  Have you thought of changing food.   
> Several of my guys were allergic to whet, corn and soy which is in  
> most commercial foods.  Casey would hurl right after eating and had  
> stool problems and I have cleaned up more little puddles than I care  
> to remember. She simply could not get to the box on time.  Just like  
> people, when it hits you don't have much time to get to a bathroom.   
> I switched everyone to Blue Buffalo and no moe problems.  Casey  
> still has hairballs if I forget to give her hairball meds.  Then  
> recently I started giving everyone Royal Canine's Extreme Hairball  
> dry as treats.  Everyone loves it and now even hairballs are rare.   
> I usually give around 10 pieces to each one and then stand guard to  
> keep Harley from taking everyone else's treats.  Also, does your  
> baby eat too fast?  Casey also had a tendency to gulp her food  
> down.  Started watching her eat and when she ate too fast I took it  
> away from her and gave it back in a few minutes.  Ended up sitting  
> by her when she ate and giving her just a bite at a time.  It did  
> not take too long for her to catch on to th fact that eating slower  
> kept her from vomintting.  Just a few things you might try.  Better  
> than the 2 of you sleeping in the basement.
> ---- john pollack <> wrote:
>> Tricia
> My Tigger lived 1 month shy of 5 years with FeLV
> He had his ups and downs, as we all do
> He lived with 6 housemates...NONE are positive!!
> As far as the stool, cats get it like we do. may have eaten  
> something that disagreed with him
> What test was done. Snap or other??
> With Snap, if he's been exposed, it will be postitve, other (ELSA??)  
> is more through, and can tell if he actually has it
>   I wish you the best
>   FeLV kitties can be the most loving of all, as Tigger was
> John
> ________________________________
> From: "" <>
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2013 10:06 PM
> Subject: [Felvtalk] stray cat I took in has feline leukemia
> Hello,
> I'm hoping someone can help me....
> We live in the country and have about 8 outside cats.   A friend  
> decided to take one home, Pumpkin, and had her all fixed up at the  
> vet with shots, spay and declaw.  She found out she has  feline  
> leukemia.  She kept her for about a month, but I guess she was  
> making a mess as far as using the litter box.  I told her I didn't  
> want her to go to an over crowded humane society, so I took her  
> back.  She is now in the house, as she is front declawed, and she is  
> not to be around the other cats with her cancer.
> So... I've had her home since just before Christmas, and she's been  
> fine other than not eating a whole lot.  Her stool is quiet soft,  
> and I did find a few hard turds in two different sleeping places  
> that she uses.  Well now today,  she had a ver messy stool on the  
> wood floor in the hallway!! Really shocked me as she's been so good  
> using the littler box.
> Is this a sign that she is getting sick, the not using the littler  
> box?  She has a prescription for Tylosin Tartrate, and she said to  
> give this to her(powder form), when/if she gets sick???
> She does seems to sleep most of the day, but I know cats do do  
> that:)  She also does purr quite loud!!  Must be a good sign.  She  
> will play with a string too.  So she's been very happy, but now I  
> had to resort to putting her back in the basement with her food and  
> litter.  I might end  up sleeping down there with her again, as I  
> did when she first came in thehouse.  She has had the run of the  
> house now for weeks, but I just don't trust her since her accident.
> I've read where infected cats can live quite long, but yet others do  
> not.  I certainly would not want to put her thru all sorts of  
> treatments...
> Thank you for your time:)))
> I appreciate any input for my Pumpkin!
> Tricia
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