Love it love it love it!!! You hit the nail on the head Lee, cats kill from 
instinct and hunger. Humans  kill from ego. It makes me sick (what humans do). 
We pulled up into the driveway last night and a bunny ran across. My husband 
said to me, "isn't it amazing how the cats don't seem to bother these rabbits?" 
 yes it's amazing! Humans are amazing. They come up with the most wonderful 
ideas, like gestation crates, a lovely form of all sorts of deprivation. What 
bothers me is that we think we have the RIGHT to do what we do to other beings. 
OK, I'm done. Thanks for the email(-:


Sent from my iPad that my most awesome kids surprised me with, Christmas 2010. 

On Feb 3, 2013, at 10:57 AM, Alev <> wrote:

> Lee,
> I couldnt agree more, thank you for this email, I will never stop talking 
> about animal rights to people,
> take care
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 2, 2013, at 5:41 AM, Lee Evans <> wrote:
>> There is so much nonsense, mythology and prejudice going around when it 
>> comes to diseases in general, whether cat, dog or human that it's a wonder 
>> any of us survive the ignorance rather than the disease. An acquaintance of 
>> mine was told by a licensed veterinarian that she needed to have her healthy 
>> FIV+ cat euthanized because humans can catch it from cats. Meow? My tenant, 
>> when I had a rent house, insisted that FIV was highly contagious but FeLv 
>> was NOT. Tail backwards. People to this day refuse to hug a person who is 
>> living with HIV but will shake hands with someone who has a horrid head cold 
>> and get all chummy with people who are coughing all over the air.
>> Many veterinarians seem not to like cats to the point of finding reasons to 
>> put them to death. Others are simply too lazy to study new theories of 
>> medicine. In some cases, we have not traveled more than inches away from 
>> dancing around the bonfire to banish evil spirits as a cure for illness.
>> Finally, we are now being treated to amazingly inflated statistics from 
>> almost comic studies that produced the startling news that cats kill rats 
>> and mice. Who would have thought!! Not just some rats and mice  but toss in 
>> moles, voles and gophers, not to mention those things with wings that mostly 
>> fly.  Stir with a hefty dose of sensationalism due to a slow news day, and 
>> you come up with BILLIONS of small mammals and birds being slaughtered and 
>> exterminated by feral cats. Please don't mention though that humans  have 
>> hunted dozens of species to extinction just to have a head to hang on the 
>> wall or a rug for the floor, or as a way to stop male sexual dysfunction, or 
>> to carve into little statues or furniture (elephants) or just as a lovely 
>> delicacy to eat at a way overpriced fancy restaurant. (shark fin soup and 
>> other disgusting dishes). Sometimes it seems like humans will kill 
>> everything from snails to whales for the most trivial or ridiculous reason. 
>> However, just let it be known that cats kill mice and rats for a living and 
>> you have panic in the streets. Ah well, time to get off my soap box and go 
>> to bed.
>> Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty 
>> neighbors too!
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