The scabs are most likely a flea allergy or some other type of allergy. I have 
a cat who was covered with the scabs. Flea treated him several times during a 6 
month period, scabs were much less. He still gets them occasionally but nothing 
like the first time. He's a long hair so probably gets a few more fleas than a 
short hair. As for not eating, if that persists, try syringe feeding him or buy 
some KFC regular chicken (not spicy) and see if he reacts with an appetite. You 
have to realize that when a cat is positive for FIV or FeLv and gets sick, it 
is most likely just a cat who got sick and is not related to the FIV or FeLv. 
But the vet will pounce on a diagnosis of "Oh, it's because he's FIV+ or FeLv+" 
when most likely it's an upset stomach or an URI, just like any other cat would 
get.  Positive energy from the Universe coming your way for Cole. 

Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 

> From: Karen Harshbarger <>
>To: "" <> 
>Sent: Friday, June 7, 2013 2:30 AM
>Subject: [Felvtalk] prayers
>Just need some prayers tonight for Cole.  He tested positive along with his 
>brothers for feline leukemia about 3 months ago.  The have all been doing 
>pretty good, eating well, playing, happy and loving, etc.  But then two of his 
>brothers started having problems with scab like bumps and the vet doesn't seem 
>to know what it is.  Now Cole refused to eat his supper tonight and I am so 
>worried for him and his brothers.  They are due for their second test in about 
>a week.  They were doing so good I was hoping that they would test negative 
>and was able to fight their exposure.  But now with this I am so afraid for 
>them.  And not eating is the worst, cause I am so afraid he won't start eating 
>again.  Please say a prayer for him that it is just a little normal stomach 
>upset and tomorrow he will clean his plate at breakfast.  
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