
I am so sorry to hear about Bubba.  He knew nothing but love and comfort in
his final days.  Thank you for all you did for him. I'm sure he'd thank you
if he could =)


On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 4:18 AM, <> wrote:

> I know that feeling all too well.  You want to keep them with you but you
> do not want to make them suffer.  That is what happens when you rescue, you
> know nothing about their past lives and illness and it makes it so hard to
> help them.  Watching Jackson Galaxy has taught me so much about my pride.
>  Amazing that many of the cat's problems can be laid at their owner's
> doorstep.  I especially remember the couple's cat that would not use the
> box.  They only cleaned the box every other week.  I have 7 boxes and I
> clean them twice daily.    One thing you know for sure, he is not suffering
> and is in a happier place now.  Thank you for caring..
> ---- Beth <> wrote:
> > We did the ultrasound Friday. It showed enlarged spleen & kidneys. Vet
> thinks spleen was probably cancerous. I was not putting him through any
> more. He had just been laying around for 2 1/2 weeks, mostly having to be
> force fed. I did that with my 1st FeLV & I said I would never do it again.
> I did it at 1st because he had a URI & I knew he could get over that. But
> once that was gone he didn't get better as far as activity & eating.
> It was a really sad decision. I had had a tough time with him at first
> because he peed on everything. Thanks to some things I learned from
> watching Jackson Galaxy we got him out of that habit & he was becoming a
> total sweetheart. He just loved to walk up to you an put his head against
> you.
> Some hit you harder than others. This was pretty difficult. The lady who
> found him is having him cremated for me.
> Thanks guys for just being there.
> Beth
> Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter!
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