There is really no definitive lab test for FIP and most cats can come up with a 
high titer for the corona virus without showing any symptoms while others have 
a lot titer and may actually have the mutated form of the virus. It's a very 
aggravating disease because it keeps playing hide and seek.

Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 

> From: Shelley Theye <>
>Sent: Saturday, August 10, 2013 3:03 PM
>Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Felvtalk Digest, Vol 25, Issue 6
>Hi Marcy,
>I didn't get your original email, but did see Margo's response.
>I seem to be having problems with only receiving some emails since recently 
>joining this list.
>I don't have much experience with FeLV related illnesses yet, but I just 
>wanted to ask if they ruled out something like hypertrophic cardiomyopathy?  
>Heart failure could cause fluid, and in that case, steroids should NOT be 
>given.  But lasix can be given.
>Since they already gave him a steroid shot, just keep a good eye on him.
>My cat, years ago, was fine one day and then his chest became full of fluid.  
>His only symptom was that he coughed a tiny bit 
>as though he had a hairball, and he didn't want to eat his breakfast which was 
>very out of character for him.  Lasix helped him.  
>That was his only treatment.  They checked his heart at a later appt. and it 
>was fine.  Initially they thought FIP, but it wasn't (we did a titer and it 
>was neg.), and after that incident he was fine and lived many more years!  The 
>vet didn't want to check the chest fluid at the time because
>she had lost a cat doing that once, so she just used lasix.
>My theory was that he had a heartworm, and the ivermectin that they gave him 
>for ear mites  a week prior might have killed the
>heartworm, and it broke up and caused the fluid...but will never know for 
>sure.  This all happened shortly after I adopted him
>as an adult cat.
>Hope Charles begins to feel better. 
>On Aug 10, 2013, at 3:09 PM, Margo wrote:
>> Hi Marcy,
>>             Sorry to hear Charles is having problems. In an FeLV positive 
>>boy, my first thought is lymphoma. While it isnt always FeLV related, the 
>>possiblity is there. I'd suggest joining the feline lymphoma list
>>              and getting familiar with what you may be up against. Since 
>>Charles has not been formally diagnosed, it could be anything, so this would 
>>just be a way to learn of the different ways to diagnose and treat certain 
>>tumors. Here's a pretty concise description of the different ways lymphoma 
>>can manifest;
>>               I will hope that it turns out to be something simply remedied, 
>>and not a tumor, but better to be prepared with what kind of treatment you 
>>are interested in, if any.
>> All the best
>> Margo
>> -----Original Message----- 
>> From: Marci Greer 
>> Sent: Aug 10, 2013 2:40 PM 
>> To: "" 
>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Felvtalk Digest, Vol 25, Issue 6 
>> Hi everyone,
>> We took Charles (felv+) to the vet this morning and they did an xray of his 
>> chest, their is a lot of fluid in his chest cavity, she said it 
>> could possibly be a tumor. She gave him a shot of cortisone and a shot of 
>> Lasix, sent us home with Lasix pills as well.  I am hoping that 
>> the Lasix gets rid of all of the fluid and hopefully we can by some time if 
>> it is a tumor.  If anyone has any advise or thoughts....I don't want
>> to loose one of our babies.
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