First of all, the vets blow way out of proportion the contagious factor in 
FeLv. Yes, a cat can be latent, as were my Tiger Boy and Twerp. Both latent, 
both tested negative all their long lives, then towards the end, they got a URI 
plus kidney failure and both passed within days of each other at ages 13 and 
14. They lived with 8 other cats. I tested periodically but none of their mates 
ever turned positive and all the cats in that group regularly slept together, 
groomed each other, ate from the same dishes and shared litter boxes. You can't 
make any hard, fast rules with FeLv. Your cat has been living with the other 
cats so it's up to you whether she should continues to do that. However, please 
don't have her killed just because she tested positive. As for a cat going 
outside and bringing in FeLv, I really don't think so. They have to have some 
type of long term exposure or critical exposure - like meeting a cat who is 
already ill from the disease and
 grooming him. It's not airborne.

> From: Susan Saunders <>
>To: "" <> 
>Sent: Sunday, September 1, 2013 1:49 PM
>Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Positive cat
>None of the other cats go outside except for the one that got out
>Sent from my iPhone
>On Sep 1, 2013, at 2:46 PM, Susan Saunders <> wrote:
>Cat is now testing positive.  She was never tested as a kitten although her 
>parents were and her littermate was. She has never been outside although one 
>if the cats in the house did get out for about a week.  That cat and all other 
>cats in the house have tested negative.  So is it possible that the cat that 
>got out brought it in the house but still tests negative and this cat was 
>exposed and is now positive?  
>>Sent from my iPhone
>>On Sep 1, 2013, at 9:10 AM, john pollack <> wrote:
>>Yes, it most certainly is. My Tigger was Positve. Everyone else here tested 
>>negative, and still does,.
>>>Tigger passed at age 5 2 years ago. all STILL negative here.
>>> From: "" <>
>>>Sent: Sunday, September 1, 2013 8:49 AM
>>>Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Positive cat
>>>also, a previously 'negative' cat could in fact have a latent infection 
>>>which does not show up.  This can go on for potentially years and later turn 
>>>positive when sick/stressed.
>>>----- Reply message -----
>>>From: "Beth" <>
>>>To: "" <>
>>>Subject: [Felvtalk] Positive cat
>>>Date: Sun, Sep 1, 2013 8:19 am
>>>Sure, if the cat got outside or are otherwise exposed to other cats. Not all 
>>>cats coming into contact with a positive cat will contract the virus.Plus 
>>>the virus can take 90 days to show up on a test. You'd have to be more 
>>>specific about the circumstances - when all the cats were tested, what kind 
>>>of test, are the cats indoors/outdoors?
>>> Beth
>>>Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter!
>>> From: Susan Saunders <>
>>>Sent: Saturday, August 31, 2013 7:43 PM
>>>Subject: [Felvtalk] Positive cat
>>>Is it possible for one cat in a house of multiple cats to be positive when 
>>>everyone else is negative and even parents and all other cats from its 
>>>litter are negative. 
>>>Sent from my iPhone
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