
I lost a cat to FL in the 90's. After that I panicked and faithfully vaccinated my next five cats every year. Then I rescued another FL cat. Separated him from the others while he was symptomatic. He threw off the virus. As fate would have it, other rescues came to my door. I couldn't afford to have them all tested and vaccinated. (13). All my cats mingle together and non gets sick. I don't even bother to have my rescues tested because I know that I would never put them down anyway. I was encouraged by a women I met years ago who mixed negatives and positves with good results. When my one FL cat has had symptoms (only twice in 4 years) I isolate and treat him until he gets better. I am fastidious about clean bowls and water. God is taking care of them and me. If you have the money and you have only a few, get what ever treatment/tests are available. But I wouldn't stress over the testing. My Pookie will always test positive because he carries the disease in his system. But he is healthy as can be otherwise. I finally decided when my Lucy was 13 (she's 17 now). to stop vaccinating her. If they don't have enough antibodies built up by then, they never will! Maybe I am lucky, or just stupid, but I couldn't let an animal die form a lack of a home.

On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 1:03 PM, Shelley Theye wrote:

Hi Lee,

Thanks for explaining. Not sure if there is hope for Leo to still turn negative. He tested positive last July, when trapped and neutered, and then again in Nov. I haven't retested yet, and am thinking of doing the IFA too. Does the woman who has Taffy have all of her other cats vaccinated for FeLV?

Do most people on this list who mix positive and negatives have their negatives vaccinated for FeLV?


On Sep 24, 2013, at 1:00 PM, Lee Evans wrote:

Hi Shelley - I'm not sure as to when they were exposed. These were cats rescued from different places at different times. One, a male who I have had not for about 6 to 7 years, was rescued when he was not neutered, around age 2, street cat, but tame. Since I was going to get him adopted after neutering, I had him tested before I took him into my own house. He tested negative for FIV but positive for FeLv. I tested again at another vet. Still positive, but that vet suggested that I keep him for two months and then re-test. This guy was on top of the latest literature in vet medicine. So I did so, took Moses (cats name) back and he had turned negative. Not to say that I did not believe the test but too, Moses for yet another test and he was again negative. He's still with me.

Bunny (Buns for short) is a female, abandoned at an apartment complex (notorious for abandoned, feral and stray cats). She was less than a year old when she was brought to me on Easter Morning. Thus her name, Bunny. I put her in a separate room, then took to vet to be tested. She tested positive for FeLv. Kept her isolated, did not spay, re-tested in about 3 months, she tested negative. Tested again to be sure. Negative again so got her spayed. However, my luck did not hold very well. Recently had a rescued kitten brought to me. I took Taffy to a local Humane Society in Bulverde Texas. They tested her prior to putting her up for adoption. When they tested her, she tested positive for FeLv. I took her back, found her a foster home with a wonderful foster mom, who kept her isolated for 3 months but Taffy still tested positive at the end of the isolation period. Fortunately, Foster mom loves her and although Taffy doesn't mix in to the community of 7 cats that Foster Mom has, Taffy lives with Foster Mom's dog in a spare bedroom and gets to socialize with the cats except during feeding time. Taffy is perfectly happy with the arrangement. So is the dog.

The adults probably contracted FeLv during mating behavior. I suspect that Taffy got it from her birth mother but was not able to fight off the virus as a kitten because she did not have very good care and ended up as a little street stray.

From: Shelley Theye <>
To: Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Question about FeLV/FIV testing


Can you explain more about the 2 month period for the adults that you have that threw off the virus? Do you know when they were first exposed, in other words could they have had the FeLV virus for more than 2 months
before they ever were tested?


On Sep 24, 2013, at 11:15 AM, Lee Evans wrote:

I have had a lot of success with adult cats who threw off the virus in about 2 months and tested negative from then on. For kittens, they may or may not have been actually positive. Since their immune system is not fully developed, they might not throw off the virus as soon as adults. Too bad about the idiot vet who gave the adopters such ridiculously incorrect advice. Keep the kittens for another 4 weeks, then re-test. You really should find them a home with a person who understands that a positive test does not mean the kitten should be killed. If they are still looking and feeling well, let them live. A home with no other cats or with cat-friendly dog is the best for this type of kitten.

From: Betheny Laubenthal <>
To: Sent: Monday, September 23, 2013 7:04 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Question about FeLV/FIV testing

What's the earliest that testing using a SNAP test for FeLV/FIV can be done so that it is accurate? I know that if it is done early on, it can be inaccurate. The reason I asked is that we adopted out a 10 week old kitten July 16. We did not test. I don't like testing before 16 weeks. We pulled the kitten and her sister from another state. Mom was in a high kill shelter. She was PTS before we could rescue her. The rest of the litter was PTS. Miles and Journey were the only ones left. Today, the kitten (Miles) tested positive for leukemia and was PTS (the ill informed vet used scare tactics on the owner and made the owner think that her dogs could get it). I was called after the fact. What is proper testing protocol? Vaccination protcol? I use a 4 way with feline leukemia, killed virus.

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