Sorry to hear about your kitty.  I went through a similar thing a few weeks
ago when my own kitty passed away.  It's very hard!  My sympathies.  :-(

On Oct 31, 2013 4:50 PM, "Lee Evans" <> wrote:

> She came to me two and a half years ago when she was around 9 months old.
> She had been abandoned at an apartment complex, rescued but then tested
> FeLv+. She was brought to me to see if she would turn negative. She did! I
> kept her anyway because she had a few bad habits, like biting my fingers
> when I was sleeping and trying to tear apart my iPod headphones. She was
> very mischievous. I named her Bunny because she was brought to me on Easter
> Sunday.  She has lived with me and two other cats in my bedroom/home office
> since that Easter in 2011. About two weeks ago I noticed a change in her
> behavior. She no longer pestered Delilah, the resident female cat in the
> room and she seemed to lose interest in sleeping on the bed with me and
> Samson and Delilah (the two other cats in the room). However she was eating
> normally and nothing else seemed out of place. I assumed that it was the
> change in the weather from very hot to nice, cool evenings and then to
> rain. On Saturday of last week she seemed lethargic. She was not eating her
> usual amount of food and not drinking her usual amount of water. I checked
> her gums to see if it might be stomatitis or some bad tooth upsetting her
> but her gums were very pale and so was her tongue. I immediately thought it
> was flea anemia. I took her to the vet on Tuesday because Monday is usually
> very busy with dogs there. She was more lethargic and depressed by then and
> her appetite had all but disappeared. She was still drinking water. She had
> no fleas so I asked the vet to re-test her for FeLv. Sure enough, she was
> positive. She had all the classic symptoms of active FeLv. I was heart
> broken but still, I asked him to give her some meds to make her more
> comfortable and perhaps get back her appetite. He gave her cortisone.
> Today, she was no better. She just lay on her towel and couldn't make it to
> the litter box although it was just a few steps away. I took her in again
> and he gave her some fluids, not too much because he said it would make her
> even more anemic. He gave her a little more cortisone to try to kick start
> her appetite. I had been syringe feeding her by then. He also gave her a
> small dose of Convenia and some B-complex but nothing helped. She passed
> several hours after the vet visit. I probably should have had him help her
> pass but I just didn't want to give up hope.
> There is a question here, in all this upsetting dialog. My other two cats
> who slept with me and Bunny and groomed each other, ate with each other,
> drank and used the same litter box are around 7 years old. The vet told me
> that once they are into adulthood, they are not as likely to get FeLv as
> they would if they were under 2 years old. Is this true? I will have them
> tested in about 3 weeks anyway to see what happened, if anything. Also, has
> anyone had the experience of a young cat throwing off the virus and turning
> negative, then turning positive again after a year, or was that second test
> after I had held her in isolation for 4 months a false negative?
> Right now I'm fostering a kitten who has tested negative for FIV/FeLv. She
> is several rooms away from where Bunny has lived. They never came in
> contact with each other but I have walked from my bedroom into the kitten's
> room to feed, clean, etc.. Did I put her at risk?
> This is desperately upsetting. I have decided not to take in any more
> fosters with FeLv. I have never had this happen before. Most of my "turned"
> cats are still with me and are well into several years of adulthood. I
> usually don't have good results with getting turned cats adopted because
> most people don't want the possibility that the cat is harboring the
> disease. Maybe Bunny had it in her bone marrow and tested negative on the
> regular SNAP test. I should have tested with the IFA also but don't have
> much money to spare.
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