We said good bye to one of our 8 month old FeLV kittens, Terence,
yesterday. He had been declining for a couple of weeks and was very thin,
and definitely not as active has his 3 siblings still are. We tried making
him eat wet food but it just wasn't working and the last day or two we
didn't hear any purring. So we felt it was time for him to be in a better

As the vet was giving him the first injection to anesthetize him he
squirmed around and bit me on the first knuckle and cuticle area of my
finger. I've been scratched millions of times by cats  and know how to
clean scratches, but had never actually been bitten. I had been following
this thread all weekend so I let it bleed out, then cleaned it up after we
got home with him. Overnight my finger swelled up and looks infected, and I
have a strange pain in my armpit (same arm) that I'm wondering if it's

I took a couple of Cephalexin doses but I'm going to the doc this morning
since it's still pretty painful and swollen.

We've had Terence and his siblings since they were 2 weeks old back in
April. Yesterday was a bittersweet day but I'm relieved knowing he's no
longer languishing. I'm also grateful for this listserv.

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