
I have used LTCI, but it's hard to answer your question because you do not say 
what your cat has been diagnosed with, and honestly it sounds like she has not 
been diagnosed with anything but FeLV, which is not what usually actually makes 
them sick. FeLV is just a very suppressed immune system. It can lead to many 
different diseases, from lymphoma to infections to primary anemia. There are 
treatments available for all of these things (though when effective usually 
only for a limited time, unless it's a basic infection that can be cured with 
antibiotics). But it really depends on getting an actual diagnosis, which means 
blood work and possibly x-rays or ultrasound depending on the blood work. If 
your vet is just saying it's the FeLV, I would take her to a different vet, 
preferably an internist, and find out what is actually wrong. 

I used LTCI successfully for my FIV+ cat when he had very low white blood cell 
counts. I gave it once/week for a month and then less frequently and it raised 
his white blood cell count quite a bit. It apparently can also help primary 
anemia (red blood cell count low) when it is severe. But it is not going to 
help cancer (steroids and/or chemo might for a few months though). It might 
help fight an infection, by raising the white blood cell production, but 
antibiotics would also be necessary. 

It is understandable if you do not want to do anything very invasive or 
expensive if it will not give her more time. But treating an infection is 
worthwhile if that is what she has. If she has lymphoma, just putting her on  
high dose of prednisone or dexamethasone, which are steroids, is cheap and does 
not make them feel bad, it makes them feel good, and can give them weeks or 
months of feeling relatively ok. If it's dry FIP, there are new medications 
that have cured some cats (though I don't know if FeLV+), and high doses of 
steroids can help with quality of life for a while. But you don't want to give 
steroids if it's an infection. 

So if the problem is low white blood cell counts and an infection, I would 
recommend LTCI. Also I would try it if red blood cell anemia is severe and 
appears to come from the bone marrow shutting down from the virus rather than 
from cancer or an auto-immune reaction to something. But I would find out what 
the problem actually is first, and go from there. At least do blood work.


-----Original Message-----
From: Daniella Leifer <dh_lei...@yahoo.com>
To: felvtalk <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Fri, Feb 7, 2014 6:57 pm
Subject: [Felvtalk] LTCI treatment experience?

I'm considering doing this somewhat new lymphocyte t-cell immune modulator, 
LTCI, treatment for my FeLV kitty who's recently taken a turn for the worse - 
she's lethargic, decreased appetite, etc.  I'm assuming that if I do nothing, 
she'll die in a few days or weeks (I'm sad because she seemed fine like a week 
ago, and I only noticed this change in her behavior about 2 days ago).  I 
brought her to a vet today who basically said to give her palliative care until 
she dies, but then I did some google searching when I got home and found info 
about LTCI (I didn't even know it existed until literally this afternoon).  I'd 
love to hear about people's experiences with it, and whether you've had 

My kitty was a stray and I'm 99% sure she got it when she was a kitten, or was 
maybe even born with it.  I am not going to do intensive treatments like 
feeding tubes and stuff like that, that seems too traumatic and I'd rather she 
have a peaceful exit.  But if she can be helped by one little shot per month, 
that seems do-able.  

thank you,

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