There's a feline anemia yahoo group too, which may have more insights.


-----Original Message-----
From: Avaykn <>
To: FeLVPositiveCats <>; felvtalk 
Sent: Thu, Feb 27, 2014 6:45 pm
Subject: [Felvtalk] Blood transfusion

Took Kitty, 1 months old FeLV positive cat to the vet a few hours ago because 
she was not eating very much. 
She had lost a little weigh, her temperature was at 101, we did a blood panel 
and her PCV is at 21.7 and her red blood cell at 5.28.
Her holistic vet is recommending a remedy to help and her regular vet is 
recommending a blood transfusion.
What are your experiences with these routes ?


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