I have used it and it really didn't seem to help much at all. I wouldn't say that $180 for 50 ml is not expensive. Not too bad per shot, but a lot up front. I had heard that Best Friends used it on their FeLV+ cats and I finally got their vet to answer me about it. He said they use it because that was what was being done when he took over. He had no idea why they were using it.


-----Original Message----- From: Lance
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 11:14 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Treatments

No experience with ImmunoRegulin, and my vet had never used it on cats. I spoke to one vet six years ago who felt like it was useful, though not a cure. If the archives are searchable, you might try looking there. Also, I think one member (I don’t remember who) said that she was keeping it in reserve at her vet’s in case she needed it.

It isn’t expensive, and I don’t think it requires a prescription.


On Aug 12, 2014, at 11:06 AM, sweet2bcotasue <sweet2bcota...@att.net> wrote:

Does anyone know or have experience with ImmunoReg (sp?)? Given as shot/IV.
Susan & Sophia
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