Harley developed this cough, where sometimes he gags or sometimes it's like a whole-body hiccup. Much of the time he crouches or sits all the way up to get more comfortable. He won't eat now, because the smell of food makes him gag, and it's uncomfortable to swallow. He does not have any nasal symptoms, and his breathing is not labored. Blood work looks pretty normal, but I do notice a downward trend in his platelet counts. Still above the danger zone, but he's had 3 tests this year, and each platelet number has been lower. Vets are thinking upper respiratory infection. He is in the hospital on IV fluid, ampicillin sulbactum for antibiotic, and has been given maropitant, sucralfate, and buprenorphine. Poor little guy is too uncomfortable to get any sleep. If he won't eat by morning, I'll talk to the Dr. about an NG tube for feeding. No fever. I am worried about some kind of tumor that might be in his esophagus, but we'd have to do some imaging for that. For now, we wait, and see if his cough gets better or worse.


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