Lack of fever, eating a little is good, and playing with the roller clamp are 
all good signs. I hope he continues to improve (and eat some) and that he can 
come home in time for the holiday to recover with you. 

> On Dec 23, 2014, at 1:45 PM, Marsha <> wrote:
> Total of 10 days in the hospital at this point, with 2 trips home that lasted 
> only a few hours each. The first trip was the first day, just brought him 
> home with clavamox.  At that point, the nasal part and the fever hadn't even 
> started yet.  Brought him back, and got an NG tube placed successfully, and 
> he was on Clinicare nutrition for a week to get him through the worst of it.  
> After a week, I brought him home, and he was OK for the first hour, but then 
> (after I barely got Azithromycin into him) he started feeling pretty 
> miserable, so after a few hours, I brought him back to the hospital.
> Marsha
> On 12/23/2014 1:30 PM, Marsha wrote:
>> Harley is still in the hospital, but improving.  On Sunday, he groomed 
>> himself a little bit, first time in a week.  Two attempts were made over the 
>> weekend to `put an NG tube in.  First attempt failed because they had tried 
>> a lighter type sedation, and he fought it. The next day they tried heavier 
>> sedation, got it in, and once back in his cage, he pulled it out! He had one 
>> of the "soft" e-collars on.  Thankfully, he has started eating some kibble.  
>> None of the most enticing wet foods had encouraged him, nor an appetite 
>> stimulant, not even a mouse (small frozen feeder purchased from pet store, 
>> and heated).  His eyes were looking better yesterday, but his nose is still 
>> congested. Fever is gone.  He gets fluids and some meds through IV.  They 
>> also have a steam vaporizer going.  Last night, in between pets, he batted 
>> at the roller clamp on the IV line.  I am hoping to bring him home tomorrow. 
>> Consistently eating on his own is the key.
>> Marsha
>> On 12/23/2014 9:41 AM, Lance wrote:
>>> How is Harley doing today?
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