Last night, I brought Brock & Harley their late night meal. Harley got out of bed to greet me, or had already been out of bed, although he had otherwise spent all day in bed (as far as I know). Both boys seemed distracted, especially Harley, who parked in a cardboard box that is on its side. I set Harley's food on the box flap, but after a while he turned around and almost laid his tail in the food. I removed the food, and reached in to see what toy Harley wanted to play with so much in the back of the box. Usually I have a toilet paper tube in there, sitting upright, with a ball on top to be knocked off. But he was ignoring those. Without getting a good look first, I pulled out something fuzzy...a dead chipmunk! What the??? OK, I have one FeLV+ boy with a serious heart condition and no front claws (Brock). And Harley can see out of only one eye, has balance issues sometimes, and cannot open his mouth far enough to bite anything, but he does have claws. Chipmunks move fast, are very agile, can jump, and hard enough even for a healthy cat to catch. I have no idea how it went down, only that it must have happened in the 4 hours since I had visited with them last.

(Sorry if I have offended anyone who loves chipmunks. They ARE so cute and fun to watch, as long as they stay outside!)

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