Hi, I am looking for advice about our little Oreo. We adopted him at 9 weeks 
from a rescue group. His mom was a stray who was ill when she had her kittens. 
The kittens were eventually bottle fed and had a rough start in life, but then 
seemed to recover and were adopted out. About two weeks ago, our Oreo started 
to show signs of illness. His inner third eyelid came out, and then he started 
running a fever. I took him to the Rescue's vet, and she gave me antibiotics 
and some metacam to bring down the fever. She said the mom had been tested for 
a bunch of viruses, including feline leukemia and came back negative, so there 
was no reason to test Oreo. A week later, he was worse so I took him to another 
vet and she tested him and told me he tested positive for feline leukemia. Up 
until yesterday, he seemed to still have a fairly good appetite but was 
sleeping a lot and showing symptoms of upper respiratory infection. Today he is 
uninterested in food and seems much worse. I was wondering if anyone had any 
suggestions that would help, or should I just accept that there's nothing that 
can be done? We were considering trying the LCTI drug but we live in Canada so 
we would have to travel into the States to get it. It would be about a 3.5 hour 
drive there and would be hard on Oreo, as he hates the car. Has anyone used 
LCTI and had any success with it? Is there anything else I can do for Oreo now, 
to help him feel better, like steroids? Any suggestions or advice would be very 
much appreciated. 

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