I have wondered exactly the same thing. I've had two FelV+ cats with
my other 8 neg. cats for over 5 years. They neg. cats were vaccinated
only once, and none have ever gotten sick.  Of the 2 FelV + cats,
one lived to the age of 7 and suddenly died with no prior illness.
The other 7 year old cat (her sister) is still fine.  One of my vets
told me it was very difficult for a grown cat to get FelV, but a
kitten born with it from a positive mother almost always dies. 

I had a litter of 4 pos. kittens and all of them died during the
first year of their lives. It was terribly heart breaking. 


On 07-01, dlg...@windstream.net wrote:

> I am beginning to wonder if FELV is as contagious and the vets
> claim.  My cats are all ferals, dump cats and I have had 2 who were
> declared FELV positive.  One did pass in 2 years of something else. 
> Annie has been with me over 4 years now and at first, I vacinnated
> all the others .  2 years ago, I stopped that and everyone is
> healthy, bright eyed and happy.  I am convinced that Annie really
> is not positive, just a tremendeous amount of stress that happened
> just before I got her.  She has never shown any signs or symptoms
> of any disease.  The rest of the cats are healthy.

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