I am new to this group and never posted but now that I see some activity I
was hoping to jump in a little and maybe get some opinions on my
situation.My name is Jenn and my adventure started in August. I will make
it brief as I can. We adopted 3 kitties from our vet earlier this year,
shortly after putting down our precious calico from cancer. The 3 kitting
were all tested, given shots, spayed/neutered etc. Everything was great but
the runt started to lick cement from the fireplace hearth in early August.
I called a vet at the practice I go to and they said it didn't mean
anything but I could bring her in if I wanted. I decided against it but
noticed her sleeping more and just not moving much. Finally I said I can't
take it anymore and took her to my favorite vet (especially because her
gums were so pale - something i learned with my other cat) and her PCV was
at 12%. Next thing I know I am taking her a blood transfusion. She went
from testing negative for Felv, testing positive and then negative. We also
had IFA's done at two different labs and one was negative and one was
positive. She had a bone marrow biopsy (and needed another blood
transfusion) and the IFA from that was negative. No cancer or anything was
found. Basically, we may never know if she truly has it and her system will
be able to clear it but it was not in her bone marrow so she has a fighting
chance. The diagnosis is that it is an auto-immune non-regenerative anemia.
She just finished two different antibiotics and her pred was upped to 10 mg
twice a day. Her last blood work which was last week shows that she is not
anemic, her platelets are increasing but her neutrophils have taken a dive.
They are not as low as when this first started but they did improve. My vet
and the specialist was against trying LTCI as they were no studies to back
up the claims. Right now she is doing great, not running any fevers. I was
told that if she is truly Felv infected or this is just autoimmune then the
treatment would be the same. Her brother and sister have tested negative
and are thriving and all three were dropped off at the vet the same time.

Any thought or questions I might be asking? Any treatment options I may not
have researched to death? I am so sorry we are having to deal with this for
our poor babies.

On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 1:05 PM, Jennifer Lewis <blonded...@mac.com> wrote:

> So sorry.
> One of my non-Leuk kitties is about 20 and we are looking at winding down
> ourselves for the Big Man (not so big any more). He is hyperthyroid and his
> meds have advanced his CRF, and he has heart issues. No heroics... tried
> that on my darling Buff and will never forgive myself.
> Our plan now is for his maximum comfort and life quality, as hard as it is
> for us.
> It's very hard... but I do recommend the same path. For you and for Bella.
> Our hearts are with you~
> Jennifer, Manny Man, Brynn, Wiggles, Bev and The Goof
> On Sep 21, 2015, at 8:37 AM, simon95 wrote:
> My little bella is very sick she has lythomy in her kidneys she hasnt
> eaten in 3 days i am force feeding her and she is loosing weight rapidly.
> Sent from Samsung Mobile
> -------- Original message --------
> From: "Katherine K."
> Date:2015/09/21 17:24 (GMT+01:00)
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Testing the list
> We are hanging in there. My 2.5 year old, Jazz just went for his annual
> check up and weighed in at 13.5 lbs! He's quite healthy. My 12-13 yr old
> cat Krammer used to weight that much but has lost 2 lbs since May
> unfortunately, and is now down to 9.5 lbs. He is on a low dose of
> Prednisolone to stimulate appetite. I'm debating whether to buy more LTCI
> injections - he's had them monthly for the past 2 years but they're just so
> costly and hard to measure if they actually do anything.  Sigh.
> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 10:56 AM, Jennifer Lewis <blonded...@mac.com>
> wrote:
>> All good here. Brynn seems as healthy as can be...
>> Jennifer L
>> On Sep 21, 2015, at 7:52 AM, James G Wilson wrote:
>> > Hey all,
>> >
>> > Just testing the list. There hasn't been any traffic in
>> > awhile. Hope everyone and their little ones are doing well.
>> > Best wishes.
>> >
>> > James G Wilson - phaedru...@comcast.net
>> > (217) 816-8680 (cell)
>> > http://weather62704.us (Weather for Springfield, IL)
>> >
>> >
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