At an internet site called, it has the following blurb as to when 
Winstrol is used in animals:

 Why Stanozolol Is Used On Pets

 Stanozolol - sold commercially as Winstrol or Winstrol Depot - is a kind of 
anabolic steroid that is most commonly used by humans. However, Stanozolol also 
frequently prescribed to help treat various ailments that a pet or animal may 
have. Veterinarians may prescribe Winstrol-V (as it is known for veterinary 
purposes) to treat a condition or to help a pet recover more quickly and easily 
from surgery or other such situations. As with other forms of the drug, 
Winstrol-V may only be obtained through a prescription.

 Common Uses For Winstrol-V (Stanozolol) In Animals

 In animals, Winstrol-V is most commonly prescribed to help them gain weight 
and have increased appetites. This is usually beneficial to a pet after 
undergoing surgery, being hurt badly, or when recovering from a severe illness. 
The testosterone in Stanozolol can help the animal "bulk up", much as it does 
for human counterparts. At the same time, it can stimulate the animal's hunger, 
making their appetite increase and allowing them to maintain a more healthy 

 The primary type of illness that Winstrol-V is prescribed to treat in pets and 
animals is anemia. It is used for this same purpose in humans as well. Anemia 
is a condition where there are not enough red blood cells in the body, or where 
the blood does not have sufficient quantities of hemoglobin in it. Pets 
suffering from anemia might exhibit exhaustion and fatigue for no obvious 
reason. When exerting themselves, animals with anemia might pant excessively, 
as though they are short of breath.

 When these and other symptoms are persistent enough, a trip to the 
veterinarian's office is usually in order. Many times, the ailing pet will be 
diagnosed with anemia. There are many different treatment options and 
strategies for treating anemia; however, increasing the appetite is one of the 
most significant ways of doing so. As such, Stanozolol in the form of 
Winstrol-V can help tremendously. This is why the drug is often prescribed for 
pets with anemia; however, it cannot be used indefinitely and can only be used 
in the short term to help start a pet or animal off onto the road of health.


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