It seems computers are having nervous breakdowns.  Mine keeps sending emails 
from friends to spam and they are the same emails they have always had.

---- Amani Oakley <> wrote: 
> I don’t know why my emails are being held up and not being posted, so this 
> was an answer I tried to provide to you Maya, this morning at 11:42 a.m. As I 
> don’t think it ever went through, I am reposting:
> Maya, that sounds wonderful. You have some breathing space, so you’ve got 
> some time to turn stuff around. I would be concerned about using AZT though. 
> Search on line and you will see references to it being very harsh on a cat’s 
> system.
> Why not try the Winstrol first and see if you get the same response I got. 
> You will see a difference in a relatively short period of time (I would think 
> probably within 2 weeks at most) and so by 3 weeks, if you don’t see 
> improvement in Merlot or his blood results, you can move on to another option.
> I sent my vet an email, letting her know that your vet may call. She is in 
> the office today, but not again until Friday.
> Amani
> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Maya 
> D'Alessio
> Sent: October-21-15 10:34 AM
> To: Margo;<>
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))
> I got the vibe from the vet last night that we were going down hill, and I 
> had lost a lot of hope. I woke up to a much improved cat though! His 
> temperature is stable (still slightly high), he hasn't lost any weight, and 
> his purr is back to normal. He is definitely feeling better, but that doesn't 
> mean we are out of the woods. We just did a complete blood work; liver 
> function and all that stuff looks good (exception of high bilirubin, but the 
> vet wasn't concerned). He's peeing, and he even did a poop! Unfortunately his 
> WBC, neutrophils and lymphocytes are all very low. Thankfully his RBC remains 
> normal which is positive.
> The vet is recommending doing AZT, this is a different vet than yesterday and 
> she seems more open to talknig about things. She seemed open to calling 
> Amani's vet to chat about Winstrol.
> I'm still force feeding, and they want to stop the prednisolone to let his 
> WBC regenerate I think. I'm a bit nervous about stopping it. We are staying 
> on the doxy, with cevenia and mirtazipine.
> Again, right now we mostly need to wait and re-check blood work in 48 hours.
> On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 7:11 AM, Margo 
> <<>> wrote:

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