Bless you for that Lorrie -- I cannot understand people sometimes. It seems
people either love or hate cats, not much in between. Glad I'm in the love
em column :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, October 25, 2015 7:09 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Cats as "property"

On 10-24, wrote:

> It is a shame that cats and dogs, any animal is "just property". 
> That reduces them to almost 'nothing in the law's eyes.  As property, 
> do they not have any value?  They deserve respect at the very least.  
> Any one tell me my cats are just property and not deserving of love, 
> respect and proper care had better be prepared to run as fast as he 
> can.  Someone once said he would use them for target practice.  I told 
> him he would be lying on the ground next to them.
I rescue abandoned cats and kittens and last year I found a calico kitten
about 8 or 9 weeks old. She was walking down the street right in the middle
of town and this creep saw her at the same time and wanted to feed her to
his "pet python". Well you can be sure he didn't get this poor baby. She is
still with us, spayed, happy and loved.

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