No the rabies vaccination started out at a small mom and pop type of vet
office which has now closed, the people retired. They were very nice, but I
am wondering if the vaccination was old or something because they didn't
have much business. They sent me to a larger place that had sub-cu fluids.
And they are the ones that gave the pills which I believe caused the

The second place happens to be the emergency hospital I took Tigger the
first night when he had a fever. They gave him antibiotic pills, sub-cu
fluids and pain liquid in syringes.

I have a "regular" vet office which I go to because Tigg likes the folks
there and they are the ones that detected the FeLV, although they are the
ones that tested him for it 5 years prior. I guess it's not their fault that
he had a negative which really was not negative??? They are very willing to
try anything to help him though.

And the last office I use is close to my home but they are the ones that
really need to be educated not to immediately euthanize. They are now better
than before because they have a bunch of new vets that Tigger likes now. He
did not like one of the that hit a bone when giving him a shot one time and
he really let him know it :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2015 5:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Scotchy

Is this all the same Vet? Are you in the US?

-----Original Message-----
>From: Ardy Robertson <>
>Sent: Oct 25, 2015 10:16 PM
>Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Scotchy
>Yes, he had the vaccination and quit eating/drinking so they gave him 
>sub-cu fluids and put him on some pills. I read the side effects of the 
>pills and it said it could cause convulsions in puppies but there had 
>never been a recorded case of convulsions in cats. Scotchy had a 
>convulsion and died. I told them that it must have been a side effect 
>of the pills but they didn't think so. I believe it all started with 
>the rabies vaccination. Now, I do not vaccinate my cats for rabies if 
>they are going to be lifetime house cats. I had to get a stray cat 
>vaccinated for rabies because I was getting her spayed and they would 
>not spay until she was vaccinated. She turned into a very expensive 
>stray because I took her in to be fixed, and they did an ultrasound and 
>found babies! So we had to wait until her babies were born to get her
spayed. I was able to find good homes for all 4 of the babies.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf 
>Of Lorrie
>Sent: Sunday, October 25, 2015 2:13 PM
>Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Scotchy
>On 10-25, Ardy Robertson wrote:
>> Ya, after Scotchy died following his rabies vaccination, they 
>> insisted on testing him for rabies because he had dug his claws into 
>> my arm hanging onto me for dear life when I took him back to the vet. 
>> They said they had to be sure he didn't have rabies in which case I 
>> would have been exposed. I had to pay $100 for them to send his head 
>> to Madison to be tested for rabies. They were really encouraging me 
>> to pay $700 to send his whole body down there.
>> Hello!! I already had a dead cat - if they wanted to send his whole 
>> body they could do it without my $700. (I paid the $100 and tried not 
>> to think about what was going to happen.)
>How awful for you. I'm sorry you lost Scotchy and went thru that ordeal.
>Did he die due to a reaction from his rabies vaccination?
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