So sorry for your loss.  Prayers and thoughts are with you.  You were a
wonderful caretaker, compassionate and caring.

On Nov 17, 2015 7:59 AM, "Maya D'Alessio" <> wrote:

> Merlot left us yesterday morning. Thank you to everyone for your support
> over the month, it has been incredible.
> On Nov 17, 2015 12:48 AM, <> wrote:
>> They sense our love and concern.  I often bring a sick furbaby on my bed
>> and stay awake all night because I am afraid they will get worse and I will
>> not know in time to do something for them.  People think I am nuts, but I
>> cannot not be concerned.
>> ---- Ardy Robertson <> wrote:
>> > I think when you really love your cat, you are inclined to observe every
>> > little thing and try to understand how they are feeling based on their
>> > actions/behavior. That gives you the insight into knowing what works and
>> > what does not. They may have the book training, but nothing replaces
>> loving
>> > and observing...... and of course the love is returned. Our Tigger,
>> when he
>> > was at his sickest and we thought he would not make it through the
>> night,
>> > dragged himself into our bedroom during the night and could not get up
>> on
>> > the bed by any means, but laid on the floor on my hubby's side where he
>> felt
>> > safer being near his "mommy and daddy". (call me Cookoo)
>> >
>> >
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf
>> Of
>> > Lorrie
>> > Sent: Sunday, November 15, 2015 9:02 AM
>> > To:
>> > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Lymph nodes
>> >
>> > You got that right! I can tell they hate it that I am so knowledable
>> about
>> > cats, as it shows them up. Experience is the greatest teacher.
>> >
>> > Lorrie
>> >
>> >
>> > On 11-14, wrote:
>> >
>> > > Vets and doctors soon learn it is useless to argue with us.
>> > > Sometimes our experience is better than their training.
>> > >
>> >
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