Ardy, my condolences on your loss of Tigger.


On 5/9/2016 7:51 PM, Ardy Robertson wrote:
Unfortunately, I lost my baby boy Tigger last Friday evening. I have not been able to talk much about it since then, but since you asked, and also since I have been planning to send a message about him, here goes ---- Tigger was doing wonderfully up until about Thursday afternoon, improving every day, eating on his own, not dependent on his pain medication for nearly a month. His bloodwork was absolutely astonishing to say the least from the nearly flatline it had been! Even the pathologist at the lab put a note on his report that he re-ran the tests because he could not believe what he was seeing -- Tigg's non-regenerative leukemia was now regenerative!! Thursday evening, he didn't seem quite comfortable, and by Friday morning he did not want anything to eat and I started to worry. My husband watched him during the day on Friday and I came home early from work because I was worried. He passed away quietly at home, with us stroking him and telling him how much we love him.
I am so thankful that I did not have to take him in to be put down. He did not 
like going to the vet at all and he was terrified of shots and needles such as 
blood draws.

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