Find some more to file their garage.  It seemed that when one goes, another 
shows up on my doorstep or at the shelter.  I usually call and ask them for 
special needs because they do not get adopted, just sit in the cages, waiting.  
Even though they may not last long I can give them some love and care for the 
time they have.

---- Marsha <> wrote: 
> I would like to sincerely thank you all who sent condolences on my loss 
> of Brock, and showed so much compassion and support.  So many kind 
> words!  Brock was my last FeLV+ cat, and now his (and Harley's and 
> Milkdud's) garage domain feels so empty and quiet. The toddler slide I 
> bought for Brock sits unassembled.  I had to buy mouse traps for the 
> first time since 2009 (caught 2 since Brock died).  "The Sound of 
> Silence" performed by Disturbed has become their memorial song.  The 
> main house, however, is not so silent.  11 cats remain (1 for not much 
> longer), and a few of them get pretty chatty.  LOUDLY chatty.  :-P
> All those who care for special needs cats are the bravest of the brave, 
> and anybody (ESPECIALLY a therapist or counselor) who gets judgey about 
> it - well those people can just go stuff it.
> Marsha
> (who looked for compassion and support in the wrong place, but found it 
> here, with people who understand.  Again, thank you so much.)
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