You must have my Harley, at 4 years, he still acts like a kitten and he has an 
attitude.  There are days I swear I could kill him, he wants what he wants and 
will not take no for an answer.  But then he jumps on my lap, rolls over on his 
back and grins at me, What are you going to do?

---- ROBERT CHAPEL <> wrote: 
> Rachel:
> While I would like, of course, to see more people take the animals that 
> are harder to place, you are hardly to be critiqued for giving a needy 
> animal(s) a home.....   I wouldn't take Kittens at my age ( 64) simply 
> because there is a good chance that I would not outlive them ( with 
> current health concerns) and I don't have anyone to leave them with when 
> I go...  It KILLS me when I see animals that lived in a home for most of 
> their lives brought to our shelter at age 14 or older because the owner 
> passed away or became too infirm to take care of them any more.  Worse 
> still when someone finds out ,after having the animal 10 years that they 
> are " allergic " ( but I won't start on that one)....  Enjoy 
> them....they add such energy to a household!!
> My one 9 month old still acts as though he is 6 weeks old and I VERY 
> much wish he weighed the same today....He'd wreck the place if I didn't 
> keep an eye on him constantly....
> Bob

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