Use Deamateous Earth _ FOOD GRADE - think the spelling may be off - I believe 
it's available from Home Depot or order online 
Sandy W 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Margo" <> 
To: "Karen Harshbarger" <>, 
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 5:33:53 PM 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Urgent help with flea treatment question 

I'm having flea issues, as well. Mako went to a specialist (for non-FeLV 
related problems) and they recommended Comfortis. I had to order from Valley 
Vet, and gave it to him 8/26. So far so good. It seems to have done the job, 
but I also use flea traps, and treated the other cats as well. For most of the 
year, I was okay using (generic) Capstar and flea traps. 

-----Original Message----- 
From: Karen Harshbarger 
Sent: Aug 30, 2016 3:23 PM 
To: Felvtalk 
Subject: [Felvtalk] Urgent help with flea treatment question 

As most of you know, we lost our Cole to feline leukemia and liver 
complications this month. I don't have time to morn my dear sweet Cole as I am 
struggling to save his brother Ash. Ash tested positive again this month (4 
years ago tested positive once and then negative twice). However his blood work 
shows everything in the normal range and he is eating and playing and going to 
the bathroom and seems healthy, so the vet has recommended no treatment or 
preventatives at this time. They only suggest another blood work check in one 
to 4 months and flea treatment. 

Ash and his brother have fleas. I know I must treat but that seems like when 
Cole started going downhill----when I treated for fleas with Frontline twice. 
Frontline did nothing for the fleas, even though I threw away all beds and 
blankets and cleaned their living quarters. I fear that the fleas or treatment 
or both did something to Cole to take his life. But I know I have to treat 
fleas too. I have tried combing everyday, but that does not work either. 

Has anyone used Vectra flea treatment for cats. It has worked well for me for 
other cats, but I fear that it might be too strong for our Ash with the feline 
leukemia. As I said I used Frontline originally cause I was told it was safer 
because it could be used on young kittens even. Ash is 4 1/2 years old and I 
know I have to do something about the fleas. Please let me know if you have 
used Vectra flea treatment. Or if you use something else successfully or don't 
use flea treatment at all with feline leukemia. Ash never goes outside, so I 
don't know where they got the fleas unless at vet or we brought the fleas in 
from outside on shoes, etc. 

Please Help----this is urgent as I feel I must do something to get rid of fleas 
that already seem out of hand since 2 treatments of Frontline did not work, and 
I am so worried about anything with Ash with his positive on the feline 
leukemia test at the vet and after loosing Cole. My heart just cant loose 
another of my fur babies. Please Help!!! 

Thank you, Karen and kitties Ash and BJ and angle Cole 

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