So far, Annie has had no problems and I hope it stays that way.  keeping all 
dealinhg with this in my prayers.

---- Amani Oakley <> wrote: 
> Randy
> I really don’t know. I have only had experience with the pills which I found 
> very effective. As a compromise option, I would take if that is the only way 
> the vet will agree to proceed.
> Amani
> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of 
> Randy Henke
> Sent: December-19-16 9:46 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] FW: Questioning FELV diagnosis
> Hi Amani,
> I have a call in to our vet now about the Winstrol and Doxycycline. I've read 
> that there is also the option of getting a weekly shot of Winstrol as opposed 
> to the pills. If our vet balks at prescribing the pills but would be willing 
> to give her the shot would it still work as well?
> On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 7:12 PM, Amani Oakley 
> <<>> wrote:
> Wishing you luck.
> Amani
> From: Felvtalk 
> [<>]
>  On Behalf Of Randy Henke
> Sent: December-16-16 8:12 PM
> To:<>
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] FW: Questioning FELV diagnosis
> Thank you, Amani! I'll see what I can do to convince the vet on Monday.
> On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 6:54 PM, Amani Oakley 
> <<>> wrote:
> 1 mg 2 times a day.
> Amani
> From: Felvtalk 
> [<>]
>  On Behalf Of Randy Henke
> Sent: December-16-16 7:52 PM
> To:<>
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] FW: Questioning FELV diagnosis
> That is information that is definitely useful to me! Thanks so much! Do you 
> know what dosage of Winstrol I should ask for for a 6.8 pound cat? I want to 
> have as much info as possible when I talk to my vet on Monday.
> On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 4:25 PM, Amani Oakley 
> <<>> wrote:
> No Randy, Winstrol is an anabolic steroid (unlike prednisone which is a 
> corticosteroid) so it does not have a dampening effect on the immune system. 
> What you need right now is something to stimulate red cell production. If 
> your cat has FELV, then the problem is that the progenitor cells in the bone 
> marrow will have been infiltrated/killed by the virus and thus, the red cell 
> production is down. Red cells have a life span of 120 days in circulation, so 
> once that is over and they die, then they must be replenished by a steady 
> supply of new cells from the bone marrow.
> The only thing I have found that will do that is Winstrol. However, I use it 
> in a cocktail with Doxycycline which has been found to retard the 
> reproduction of viral RNA, and prednisone. This is the only combination of 
> drugs that worked when my cat was in FELV crisis and had a haematocrit result 
> of 5 (with the reference range being something like 25 to 35, off the top of 
> my head). I had tried LTCI and interferon and even though I tested his blood 
> weekly, I saw no change/improvement at all in his red cell count, 
> haematocrit, hemoglobin, platelets, etc. It was only when I stumbled upon the 
> use of Winstrol (he was already on prednisone and Doxy, but they don’t work 
> without the Winstrol), that I saw a steady and sustained improvement in his 
> haematology numbers.
> The scandal, Randy, is that Winstrol is one of the steroids often implicated 
> in athletic doping scandals, so vets seem to be gun shy about prescribing it. 
> Also, some years ago, a very poorly conducted experiment was published where 
> cats where given 10 times the recommended dose of Winstrol as a “loading 
> dose” and developed liver problems. So between these two driving forces, you 
> have a lot of uneducated vets who will either think you are “unethical” for 
> asking for the Winstrol, or believe it is a harmful drug thanks to the stupid 
> scientific study that was published. Plus, even where they are willing to 
> prescribe it (like in Sherri’s case) they don’t recognize the need to couple 
> it with the Doxycycline, and thus, you do get a weak boost of the red cells, 
> etc., but the virus is reproducing rampantly, so in the end, the virus wins. 
> (Then, of course, not recognizing the need for the Doxy, those same vets will 
> view the use of Winstrol as a failure and not likely use it again.)
> Other medications that might increase red cell production are erythropoietin 
> and related medications, but erythropoietin does not encourage bone marrow 
> growth and development as Winstrol does. Thus, if the progenitor cells in the 
> bone marrow, which produce red cells, white cells and platelets, have been 
> killed by the virus (or converted to infected cells, spewing out more virus) 
> then the erythropoietin will not be effective because it simply encourages 
> those progenitor cells to produce more red cells. However, because they can’t 
> and thus cannot respond to the stimulation by erythropoietin. (If your cat 
> doesn’t have FELV, and has anemia because of some other cause, then the 
> erythropoietin might work.)
> Winstrol stimulates bone production (experiments have used it effectively in 
> older adults for osteoporosis), and I don’t anything else which fits the bill.
> Cats with FELV often also have lymphocytes lining the intestinal walls, or 
> other problems with moving food through the intestines. My cat did, and that 
> resulted in (a) loss of appetite (b) vomiting and (c) slow bowel movements. I 
> therefore found it necessary to add a ¼ tablet of metoclompromine (Reglen) 
> before meal times twice a day. Worked like a charm.
> This cocktail then brought my baby back from the brink of certain death. I 
> had given him blood transfusions with his anemia, but that is only a 
> short-term solution and he wasn’t producing any red cells (reticulocyte count 
> was basically zero – this is a measure of new red cell production and should 
> be increased in cases of anemia to demonstrate that the body is producing red 
> cells to compensate for the reduced red cell count). He had had a reaction 
> with his last blood transfusion, and so no more transfusions were possible 
> since the next one would kill him, and I was all out of options as I watched 
> his haematocrit level drop lower and lower, week by week. It had dropped to 
> 10 when I “discovered” an old bottle of Winstrol in my drawer.
> Whew. Guess how many times I have given this speech??
> Amani
> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of 
> Randy Henke
> Sent: December-16-16 9:15 AM
> To:<>
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Questioning FELV diagnosis
> It's interesting that our vet was very hesitant about even prescribing 
> Prednisone because he is afraid it will suppress her immunity to secondary 
> infections. I know that is a risk. Would adding Winstrol suppress her immune 
> system even further? I'm very confused about how to proceed.
> On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 10:23 PM, Ardy Robertson 
> <<>> wrote:
> If I can chime in on Winstrol, it did wonders on my Tigger to get his 
> bloodwork up. I only wish I had started it sooner, along with the 
> prednisolone and doxycycline.
> Best of luck!
> Ardy
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