It if were me, I would ignore the cholesterol. It is nonsensical in cats (and 
being called into question in humans too).


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of 
Armstrong-Brown, Sheila DDS Timonium
Sent: July-20-17 10:37 AM
To: ''
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Checking in.....

My son Skylar is doing well and his 6 month bloodwork came back great.  High 
cholesterol is all.  No idea why that would be. He is now 2 1/2 years old, I 
hope he is around a long time.

From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of ROBERT 
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2017 10:28 AM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Checking in.....

Things have been very quiet on the group lately...OR... I am once again not 
getting group mail....
Has there been activity I've missed??
My Hospice Boy ( Gilbert) is doing quite well for the moment but ( as we all 
know with such things it could change any I'll just enjoy it while 
it's happening)....    Wondering if any of you have experience with Higher dose 
Prednisolone administered chronically ( say above 7.5 mg QD)...  When I agreed 
to Foster Gilbert it came with the proviso that I would follow their directions 
( Which I will hold to unless I feel they are killing him unnecessarily 
quickly)  His Tumor does not appear to have gotten any larger and his pain 
appears to be pretty well controlled.... Just wish I knew specifically what is 
helping the most so I could cut down on superfluous drugs....currently he's on 
Gabapentin( .4 cc BID if pain is up.. QD if doing OK).. for pain, prednisolone 
( 10 mg QD administered via syringe dissolved in milk, Venus Fly Trap SubQ BID 
( interesting substance... bears closer scrutiny...  supposed to have anti 
tumor activity) Two other " alternative " medications which I have suspended 
only because the poor boy screams bloody murder every time I have to give him 
something..... with a tumor invading his oral cavity I want to keep anything PO 
to a minimum....
Seems that the cats I've had that are _ supposed_ to ( clincally) die don't and 
the ones that that aren't
Hope everyones buddies are doing reasonably well ( as reasonably well as FeLV 
Kitties can do)...  Gilbert, as I mentioned, had a traumatic brain injury which 
has left him with poor balance... but lately he's been insistent on expanding 
his range and even tried running this AM...  Wasn't in anything resembling a 
straight line but the spirit in this guy is enough to make you weep...  Guess 
that's part of why I am such a fan of animals.... they simply do what they have 
to and do it without complaint  ( Sure glad they can't speak...perhaps I'd like 
them less if their inner thoughts were more like ( Why ME??  I'm a more 
thoughtful caring cat than Mittens over there; why did _ I_ have to get hit by 
a car and THEN get cancer!!... and there's that jerk Mittens running around all 
carefree and happy...where's the Justice I ask you!!!!)...



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