Sorry – I should have answered about the duration of treatment too. No, she 
wouldn’t be on it forever. Monitor the blood work until the anemia is REALLY 
gone and monitor the blood work after you wean her off the Winstrol. Prepare to 
put her back on until she stabilizes. Expect an increase in liver function 
enzymes, but as far as my experience goes, the rise is temporary and the 
enzymes go back to normal once the Winstrol is discontinued.

The duration of time of treatment really just depends on how long it takes for 
the anemia to resolve, and the red cell indices to remain within the normal 
reference ranges in a stable fashion.


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of judith 
Sent: June-16-18 7:27 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Spice

My cat Spice is a 7 yr. old female calico/torti that I have had for 3 years.  
She was a stray and tested FeL+ when I first took her to the vet.  At the time, 
she presented no symptoms, and remained that way until January of this year 
when she stopped eating.  At that time she was NOT anemic, and her blood tests 
showed that she probably had some kind of cold - low fever, and some kind of 
infection.  It took her about three months and some special antibiotics (or 
some kind of drops) but she recovered, although she has never gotten back her 
hefty appetite or all of her lost weight.  I just took her for her 6 month 
checkup and her blood test showed some pretty significant anemia, enough that 
she could get a transfusion.  We decided to give her a B12 shot and pills for 
now, as she does not seem overly sick. Also, it does not seem to me that 
transfusions do much good for our FeL+ kitties from the posts I've read.

I  am ready to put her on the Winstrol - doxycycline - prednesolone regimen if 
I can get it, but I am wondering if it would do any good considering her age.  
Also, would she have to be on this regimen forever, or  would she have periods 
off of it or would it just depend?  When I took Spice in for her "cold" in 
January, my vet said that she could give my cat steroids but that they might 
kill her.  Do you know anything about that?  I know that Winstrol is a steroid. 
Do you think that the Winstrol-doxycycline-prednesolone is a good idea for 
Spice or not?  I aim thinking yes, if I can get my vet to prescribe some.  It 
seems like Winstrol is a kind of "miracle" medicine (like most steroids)

Thank all of you for the information I've gotten from your posts.  I am sorry 
if I am asking redundant questions, but I didn't find those answers from the 
posts.  I want my Spice to live a good life for as long as she can without 
putting her through all kinds of stress.

Thanks again

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