A friend had a negative with a reoccurring fever that at one point to 106.7 .  
The kitty finally responded to Clindamyacin.  Up until the Clindamyacin worked 
the vet thought they were dealing with dry FIP.  

> On Mar 25, 2019, at 3:22 PM, Pam Doore <thyme2s...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 25, 2019, 3:04 PM Jennifer Stertzer <jennifer.stert...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:jennifer.stert...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hello,  We are in the midst of dealing with a FELV outbreak in our household. 
>  Several months ago, we learned our new kitten was FELV positive; however, by 
> that time three other cats had been infected.  Since Feb., we have lost two 
> cats and the third is not doing well.  I have been reading the mail archives 
> and have shared info with my vet, but I am now at a loss about what net steps 
> to take.  At the beginning of March, Abram started to act differently - not 
> interested in food (which is unusual), lethargic, and skittish.  We took him 
> to the vet and discovered he also had a fever.  The vet gave him an injection 
> of Convenia and put him on Onsior.  He did start eating again, but remained 
> lethargic and skittish.  We took him back to the vet last week for blood 
> work, which all came back fine.  He also still had a fever so he went back on 
> Onsior.  I should also mention that we started him on Interferon in mid-March 
> and just started his second 7-day treatment.  His symptoms remain - 
> lethargic, skittish, and feeling slightly feverish.  I called the vet today 
> and the only thing they can think to do is another injection of Convenia and 
> round of Onsior.  The vet said that most likely this all relates to FELV and 
> ultimately there’s not much to be done.  Of course, I don’t want to believe 
> that.  Has any one else had a FELV cat with persistent fever?  Can T-CYTE be 
> used in conjunction with Interferon? Any ideas?  We just can’t bear to lose 
> another one of our loves to this.  Thanks in advance for any ideas.  Best, 
> Jennifer
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