
We have taken numerous cats to Radiocat for iodine-131 treatment -- at least 10 
-- in the past 15-20 years. In spite of our mostly good experiences with I-131, 
I would think hard before putting a FeLV cat through it. If the Felimazole is 
working, I would be inclined to continue with it. 

But if you do want to try I-131 therapy, I would first have a FeLV ‘viral load’ 
test run. Scanelis in France offers it. I can pass along the info your vet 
would need to draw the blood Scanelis would need to run the test. They are in 
the south of France, near Toulouse, and do speak English of course, so 
communicating is just fine. The cost was about (USD) $109 plus shipping, about 
$200 altogether.

It’s unfortunate that no US company runs a similar test, not even the older 
cd4:c8 ratio that I found useful. Sigh.


Best regards,



On April 18, 2019 at 3:12 PM "dlg...@windstream.net" <dlg...@windstream.net> 

Hello everyoone,

I have a 12 year old former feral who was diagnosed with hyper thyroid 
yesterday.  Herm level is 4.7 and she is one meds, 2.5mg of Felimazole morning 
and evening.  I had one cat about 10 years ago that we did radioactive iodine.  
the isolation was very hard on her and she went downhill after she got home, 
bleeeding from nose, etc.  don't really want to repeat that.  Homey is 
especially bonded with me and has been my caregiver since my heart surgery.  
she has alerted me to one time of gasping for air in the night and 3 instances 
of low sugar.  she sleeps plastered to my chest and when she is on my lap, 
holds on to me .  I am very attached to her and do not want to loose her so am 
hoping meds work.  

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