Title: Message
The vet's assistant just called me. (I'm kinda upset that the vet herself didn't call. She's supposed to be calling on Monday.)
Specifically, Levi is very anaemic. She also used the word 'toxic'. While I (obviously!) know what toxic means, I don't know what it means exactly in this situation. She didn't offer any suggestion (via the assistant), apart from to give him "fluids, force-feeding, and interferon" to make him comfortable.
When I pushed the assistant, she said 'pet tinic' which I know  has been mentioned here. When I pushed her again for more info re his prognosis, she said the vet had said the prognosis was 'bad'.
I have the fax of the bloodwork results, but I had to pick it up manually. I have no clue how to interpret the figures.  Normally it would be on my computer system, and I could attach it to this, but our computer system seems to be screwed up today.
I'm going to make a liver shake for him tonight and try as many things as you wonderful guys have suggested as necessary. I'm picking up cyproheptadine compound chews tomorrow noon.
I want be positive for Levi's sake but it doesn't look good. I've cancelled all social stuff this weekend, and will be at home to keep a very close eye on him.
Any suggestions welcome. Your collective experience is far greater in my opinion than the vet's. I'm not sure I'm getting the best perspective on his condition from the vet. I'm grateful she does housecalls, and gets the job done in catching him, and drawing blood (it took 3 attempts from 3 legs) but I get frustrated by the lack of feedback (and the long wait for it--Monday!).
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