They are all nasty. I have a friend who lost 8 kittens to distemper and that is an ugly ugly one.
I think the real message is that illness can be without dignity and unfair. It can be ugly and painful, for the patient as well as bystanders.
I've been wondering over the last month whether I could do this again, and my answer is honestly that I don't know. If I had better resources, the support of a rescue behind me...maybe? If there were no other choice, maybe. Would I voluntarily put myself through the grief and worry...I don't know. I don't know if I am strong enough. It sounds so selfish.
The best we can do is continue to support each other and lobby for research, better treatments, and ultimately a cure. We can do our best to give supportive care to our feline companions and afford them a bit of dignity and mercy in death.
Melissa in NJ

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