I agree, I am bringing in a new baby in a few weeks and I am sure it will take time for all to adjust.

catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
My sister has 3 cats and 3 dogs.  She became pregnant at 41 for the first time ever. lol.  It was quite a surprise for us all.  One of her dogs in particular is a little depressed that she doesn't get as much attention now, but overall, they've all adjusted.  We get pictures all the time of the dogs laying on the blanket with the baby, and the cats in the bouncer and stroller. lol.  When the baby was still in a cradle in the bedroom with my sister and her husband all the dogs and cats still slept in there with them.  (Except one mean cat who claws my brother in laws head and keeps him up at night. lol. )  But he was banned from the bedroom before the baby came.  Tyler, my nephew LOVES the cats.  Of course they're not stupid enough to let him get a good hold on them, but he loves watching them and if you hold one for him to touch he's just ecstatic.  He's not excited about the dogs for whatever reason.  But one of th! ! e dog really likes Tyler and will let him climb around on him, etc... Is very patient with him.
As far as how Killian will react to Meowser there's no way to know.  It typically takes mine about a month to adjust completely to each other and then they become friends.  Right now, I've just got a bad mix.  I've had this problem basically since my 'boss cat' died a few years ago. But 2 cats in one house should have enough room to coexist peacefully even if they don't turn out to be best buddies.
I've had situations where bringing in a new cat stressed out my previous cat,  I just kind of feel like they're all equal.  Siblings don't always appeciate a new baby either.  They just have to get over it.  In situations where I've felt I 'had' to bring in a particular cat I've done it unless it brought about an all out war.

Cherie A Gabbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The first days have always been hard on my "resident cats" but actually they come out and play with everyone at night and it took afew months, but now they co exsist rather nicely. New baby my oldest was so put out when we had Waylon (my son) and has never fully recovered, she used to sleep with me when I was pregnant, and I think after my son was born she was ignored, a little, I can not really remember but she does not like to be held or pet for too long anymore.
Kathy Koutsis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I really do miss Meowser and I say a prayer for her every night!  The lady that runs the shelter said that Meowser was not doing so well in the shelter so she stays at her husband's workshop and is doing much better there!  She hangs out with him while he works there. 
I'm a little scared to get Meowser back.  It would really upset Killian.  I am pregnant and due in June.  I just worry that a new baby and a new kitty would really upset and stress my Killian out!  She's been an only cat all of her 11 years.  She was pretty stressed when Meowser was in the basement for 3 days.  She hissed at the door and refused to take her usual naps.  She was on guard!  So I'm hesitant to bring Meowser into this situation.  It sounds like she is doing ok where she is.  I really miss her.  I'm torn because sometimes I think how wonderful it would be to give her a loving home, but how awful it would be if Killian were to get sick!  You know what I mean. Killian will have enough to handle with a new baby around.  She has never even been around kids!  It will be interesting to see how she reacts!

catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm not Dr. Susan, but Killian could just be a carrier. Meaning she carries the virus but it won't make her sick, or it could be that later in life it will become symptomatic.  Some positive kitties live long lives before they have any problems.
If I remember correctly, you really liked Meowser.  I'd go get him back!  :)

Kathy Koutsis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I will try to make this short and sweet:
I have an 11 year old female cat named Killian who just last June tested positive for felv.  My husband has had her for 10 years and she has always been an indoor cat.  Last April we took in a stray which we kept in the basement.  The stray -Meowser- never had any contact with Killian.  We had her for 3 days in the basement.  We found out she was felv+ so took her to a shelter that cares for positive cats.  At the time we had no idea Killian also had leukemia.  A couple months later I took Killian to the vet cause it seemed like she was throwing up a lot.  The vet ran some blood tests on her.  She had the IFA and ELISA done among other things.  Turns out she has leukemia but is healthy in every other way!  How can this be?  How can she be an 11 year old positive and symptomless cat?  How could she have gotten this?
Thanks Dr. Susan for any input!

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