I think most people can relate to not knowing. Times have 
My one cat (Chewy) got out once, before this group started. 

He was out once and apparently found a felv+ cat and had a fight.
Not knowing anything about felv 3 months later he started to have 
trouble swallowing, got antibotics then 2 weeks later with the same 
problems we tested and he was felv+.

The vet said to separate all the other 5 cats. I thought totally stupid 
considering they for 3 or 4 months were together. The sister of 
Chewy infact would groom him and he her and they licked tongue 
to tongue. None of my cats were positive but I did vaccinate. 
Chewy passed away not too long after.

Charmed was a foster who was positive his siblings were not. They 
intermingled for a few months before I found out. None of them 
developed the vius.

We also have a foster that has about 6 felv cats and 3 of them 
have been health and fine for about 3 yrs. Not even a cold.

I truly think it has a lot to do with the strand of the virus.


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