Steve,  it sounds like Leeloo went very quickly.  By the time she was in actual respiratory distress, which is when I have given it, she was gone in a matter of moments, it sounds like.  Also, this is not an established practice of any sort, just something I did once and my mother did once, with no guidance from anyone to do it, so I am not sure it always helps or is a good idea.  I did it because Bandit was clearly dying, was in respiratory distress and we were 20 minutes from a vet and did not want to move him, and I knew that valium is sometimes given to cats so did not think it would create worse symptoms and might just either relax him or help him pass, which it did.  But this is not a recommended medical practice or anything, so clearly not something you should have "known about" or feel like you should have done.
In a message dated 1/24/05 3:49:11 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
If I had known about this and had some valium, or could get it quickly, I would have given it to Leeloo.  It happened so very very fast, but I had a clear indication it was time.  When her anemic labored breathing occurred non-stop, I would have done anything to lessen or stop the pain I knew was to come soon.  However, that was also the signal that she would not make the transportation to the hospital to help her along. The valium, or something similar, would have been my only option.

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