Wow, she does sound like a great vet. I also like the idea of the Nutrigest. That sounds like a good thing to use for many chronic illnesses.

Subject: Gypsy's experience at the vet
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2005 12:16:27 -0800
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We just got back from the vet.  What a wonderful human this woman is.

I sprayed the carrier with Feliway and put the Rescue Remedy on Gypsy's ear about an hour before we left, (thank you so much for suggesting them, I think they may have helped). She was, of course, still scared to death. I was trying to be calm, but I was pretty scared too. My fantastic husband took the morning off to come with us, (Bruce is Gypsy's favorite human), and I'm sure his presence helped as well. The vet thinks Gypsy has a chance to pull through! She's put her on a bland diet, boiled chicken breast and "Kombu and Cruciferous veggies (cabbages) when boiling chicken", feeding her the broth as well. I'd done this before, but I guess I didn't give it long enough. She also sent me home with Vita B12 to inject SQ twice a week. I had been giving her the sublingual, but that isn't nearly as effective as the shot. That should give her energy and supplement the B12 she's losing due to the IBD. She also gave me a supplement called "Nutrigest" to add to her food. There's a ton of things in it, including the L-Glutamine, Probiotic cultures, Aloe extract, Folic Acid, if you're interested I'll send you the full list of ingredients. I'm not clear if she wants me to take her off the Methylpred shots and Metronidazole yet, I'm waiting for a call from the office. She also preformed acupuncture on Gypsy. Something I would have never imagined her to sit still for, but she did!

Something else I wanted to tell you guys, was the way in which she examined Gypsy. We put the carrier on the table and covered it with a couple of towels, then we slowly removed the top of the carrier and covered her with the towel. She felt comfortable enough to stay there in the bottom part of the carrier, hidden in the towel, and let the doctor examine her and give her the acupuncture. What a simple, yet brilliant idea! I'm going to use it with all my babies when they're scared at the vets. This is the first time Gypsy has been able to be examined without having to drug her. I'm telling you, I love this vet!

Thanks again for all the support!

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