Kerry and Terrie,
My tears and thoughts are with you both. Such different circumstances; so much sadness. Sometimes being earth's angels and stepping in where others fear to love, seems like such an unjust undertaking. The depth of our pain is equal to the heights of our joy. There is such despair when we lose their sweet physical presence, but joy in knowing that these sweet souls, that we fight so hard to comfort and aid, have been as blessed with our love as we have with theirs. At first glance it seems there may be a touch of insanity in our altruism, but in our insanity, we know what others do not; we have no choice. To turn away is not an option. Who among this list could walk away from a kitten on the street mewing for help? I for one would not want to live in a world that does not include loving beings like the two of you. I'm so sorry for your loss.

Much love,

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