I am so sorry for your lose.
Any bit of pain that we cannot alleviate in our kitties, creates a lingering pain in us.  We are not to blame.  It still does linger for me with Leeloo.  She went quickly, but the last painful breath was hard to see.  Yet, she and Levi are at painless, peaceful rest now.  It's just hard think about, and will be for some time.  But Levi is completely free of those last trials of life.  Your care of him and love for him was your lasting gift.
Sending my warmest thoughts to Levi and you.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Kerry MacKenzie
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 9:56 PM
Subject: Belinda please add Levi to CLS

Belinda, could you please add my fearless little warrior Levi to the CLS.
Levi was put to sleep on Wednesday evening 1/25 at around 8pm. I was told his hemocrit had dropped to 7.5. and his mouth had many ulcers.
It wasn't a peaceful passing and I feel distraught and anguished about how the poor little soul ended his life.
I would like to explain it later and get feedback. I'm still processing it.
I will miss him the little soul. I had already begun to miss his swiping me. He was the smallest and lightest of the crew, yet he was always the Great Protector of all of them---ready to bat me if I dared to try touch any of them.
Thank you everyone meantime for your thoughts and support. It's bleak enough, but it would be even bleaker without your kindness and support.
Please say a prayer for Levi, and all the furballs who are still fighting for their lives.
Thanks, Kerry

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