Nina and Steve,
I smell my past kitties all the time, it is wonderful to remeber and know they are watching over us ;-))

Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Here's something you might think of as nuts...  Pay attention to the times you're thinking about her and see if you can "smell" her still.  I believe we survive past our time in the body and one way she may let you know she's around is by her scent.
She sounds like she was one wonderful cat and you two had a strong connection.

Steve Williams wrote:
Leeloo's smell was a revelation to me.  But, now that I know some cats have a distinctive smell, it seems intuitive to me.  Whoever thinks that is not possible is nuts!
I'm telling you, Leeloo's smell was very pronounced and so beautifully fragrant.  She smelled very feminine.  Much different from her brother Loki.  He smells like a boy!  His smell is less strong and tends to smell a tiny bit earthy.  That's a fine thing: some fine wines can be described as earthy.
Here's to fragrant kitties!
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Cherie A Gabbert
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 9:07 PM
Subject: Re: Leeloo is at rest

Hear, hear Nina....I told agirlfriend awhile ago about my 24 year old smell, and she said I was nuts, even though she loves cats she does not think one smells better than the other......she will learn ;-))

Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Just the other day, I was breathing deep with my nose buried in Jazz's
fur thinking, if anyone knew how much I love the way my kittens smell,
they'd think I was crazy.

That's one of the reasons I love this list; you make me feel less crazy.


> Thanks Steve,
> Dale had a unique odor when he was a kitten and had a liver shunt. I
> miss it now sometimes - because of the emotional stuff we went through
> back then, not because of what his odor meant. I would never wish
> what we went through on anyone, and I would prefer not to have to go
> through it again, but anytime I was going to be gone for more than 2
> hours, Dale either went with me or went to a baby sitter along with a
&g! t; credit card and ER vet phone number and driving directions with
> inst! ructions to keep him warm and go there immediately if he had
> anything weird happen. He had an ammonia-ish kind of smell (because
> his body was using the respiratory system to get rid of the ammonia
> and other toxins his liver would've removed). Back then, I didn't
> have any FeLV+'s and I'd lay down in bed alone and wake up with 18
> cats in bed with me. Because of Dale's odor, when he came up to
> snuggle in bed in the middle of the night, I could tell it was him
> even when it was pitch black in my room.
> In a message dated 1/24/2005 3:12:04 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> Thanks you Kathy. It is very kind of you to light a candle. Your
> Sarah sounds beautiful too. We do all think our cats are
> physically b! eautiful, but I think it is a natural outcome of their
> unique personalities and how much we love them, just as it is with
> our human loved-ones.
> I didn't mention how sweet Leeloo smelled. I didn't know a cat
> could have such wonderful perfume!? She smelled much much
> different than Loki.
> I love your tag line.
> Steve
> Kathy
> "There is nothing so strong as gentleness, and there is nothing so
> gentle as real strength." ~ Sir Francis de Sates

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