There were two protocols that my vets suggested, each one taken from the two different studies done by Virbac, (the manufacturer). One was a larger initial dose for 5 days (.6cc), and then every other day for 7 days (.2cc). The second was, 3, 5 day doses of (.2cc) with 2-3 weeks in between the doses. I put Grace on the 1st protocol (larger dose up front), because she was in critical condition, and Jazz on the lower dose because she only had the gingivitis symptom. This also made sense for us because I was able to use the full vial with no waste. When we decided on this protocol, I had thought I could stretch the medicine for Grace's last 7 days, using one vial for more than one day. When I decided that it wasn't worth taking the chance that the 'left over' VO would deteriorate, I changed the protocol for both of them. What I finally ended up doing was giving Grace (.6cc) and Jazz (.2cc) for 5 days, waited 2 weeks and gave them both (.2cc) for 5 days, then ended up waiting more than 3 weeks (waiting for the new shipment), and switched the doses giving Jazz (.6cc), and Grace (.2cc) for the last 5 days. By the time the last stage of the protocol was given, Jazz was very sick. Grace had been acting poorly too, but seemed to get better on her on. Jazz on the other hand did not improve until I gave her the VO. Because of this I think the larger dose up front, (rather than stretched out), seems to be more effective. Does any of this make sense? Do you have another + kitty you could share Simon's VO with?



I'll see if the oncologist gives me instructions. Do you have suggestions?

In a message dated 2/3/05 2:17:29 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< My pleasure, Michelle.  Please let us know what protocol you'll be using.

Nina >>

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