I wrote a response without reading your posting, based on other people's 
responses. Now I have read it...  31 is hardly low at all, and at some labs is 
actually considered low normal. If you do not have prior blood work on her, it 
hard to know if that signifies anemia.  It certainly is not a 
tranfusion-needing level-- they generally only do that if it is below 13.  

However, Gary does sound sick, which could mean anemia or could mean 
something else. I would take the info about anemia we have sent you and take 
her to 
the best vet you can find, which may or may not mean a board-certified 
at a large veterinary hospital.

Symptoms of anemia do include lethargy and inappetance, but can also, at more 
serious levels, include licking at strange things like concrete, stone, or 
dirt or ash, or even ice, and at very severe levels shortness of breath.  Their 
gums and paw pads get pale, and if you raise their upper eyelid to look at the 
white area above the eye, you will not see any pink blood vessels like on 
other cats, or they will be paler pink.


In a message dated 2/8/05 3:12:15 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Gary is not doing very well.  She is hanging out alone
(normally she follows from room to room) and still
only eating a few bites.  She goes to the vet for her
PCV and temp check tomorrow afternoon.

My b/f called the vet who said she didn't check her
for anemia when she was in recently for a fever and
the last time she had blood drawn (a couple months
ago) her hematocrit was at 31, which was normal enough
that they didn't mention anything.  I am a little
upset she didn't suggest we get another test when Gary
was just in.

I'm pretty sure Gary has anemia.  What kinds of
treatment have your cats had for anemia (beyond the
initial blood transfusion)?  Is there anything that
they give a cat for chronic anemia or do you just have
to transfuse regularly?  Apparently we have to be the
ones in charge of knowing what to do and what to ask
for from the vet so I'd like to be prepared for


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