Title: Message
You may be right about the shaving part, Julie!  Our Burboy (FeLV+) had a heart ultrasound done and they didn't shave...it only took them about 2 or 3 minutes to do the ultrasound, too!  :)
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Julie Johnson
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2005 5:38 PM
To: felvtalk@vlists.net
Subject: Re: trying to decide whether to ultrasound Lucy

Hi Michelle,
I understand completely that any sort physical reminder of treatment so soon after losing Simon is going to be horrible.  I'm trying to remember my last ultrasound (of a cat!) and I can't remember if they even shaved the belly.  They could give her a shot of Ketamine while you are holding her, she will fall asleep within minutes, then they could do the ultrasound and she'd be back in your arms before she woke up.
Little Evie did not have UTI problems, but she did have bouts of URI's and being FeLV+, I always felt that she took longer to respond to treatment.  In some cats, they just flat out take a long time to respond to treatment for a UTI; those miserable bacteria can be really stubborn. 
What is Lucy drinking for water?  A course of distilled water (as opposed to even spring water) might be helpful in trying to flush her out.
I know it's a tough decision; maybe just try her on antibiotics a bit longer?

My cat Lucy has UTI symptoms, which i wrote about earlier-- straining and
some blood. She was on baytril for 2 days with no changes, and has been on
clavamox for 5 days and seems to be urinating less frequently but still has some
blood. The local vet wants to ultrasound her for possible bladder stones. I
fear possible lymphoma. She is eating fine and playing and purring, though, and
does not seem to have any pain or discomfort. She hates car rides but is not
so bad at the vet's once I get her out of the carrier and love her up a bit. I
try everything--rescue remedy, felliway, letting her out of the carrier in
the car (she tried to ride on the dashboard right in front of the steering wheel
so i could not see, still screaming). She has never been out of my hands at
the vet, which would be necessary for an ultrasound. If she has lymphoma, I
would do steroids at least and probably try chemo, though the local vet does not
seem to think she has this. Bladder stones apparently require surgery, which
I do not think I would do unless she gets pain or it is life-threatening,
since anesthesia can trigger the virus. I am wondering if maybe she is just
taking longer to respond to antibiotics because she is positive?

Have any of you had experience with these symptoms not responding right away
to antibiotics but, in fact, just being a UTI? The vet got a small urine
sample last time by scraping it off the pad in her carrier, and said there were no
crystals. But it was a small sample, so maybe she just has those...

To tell the truth, and i know this is not a reason to make decisions by, I am
a bit horrified by having her belly shaved so soon after losing Simon. I feel
like I will have PTSD every time I look at her.


"I hold that! , the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is
to protection by man from the cruelty of man. "

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged
by the way its animals are treated."

Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)

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If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.

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