The current spec contains no examples of how you would specify a
library archive.  Which of the following are legal:
  foreign import ccall "[Storable_cbits.o]" readCharOffPtr  :: ...
  foreign import ccall "[]" malloc :: ...
  foreign import ccall "[libc.a]" malloc :: ...
  foreign import ccall "[-lc]" malloc :: ...
  foreign import ccall "[-L/usr/lib -lc]" malloc :: ...

I'm assuming that any relative filenames should be interpreted as being
relative to the directory containing the .hs file.

My current interpretation is that anything legal on a link line is ok
(so all the above are kosher) but it may be sensible to limit it to
just the first 3 forms.

I'd like the spec to say what's legal and give at least one example.

Alastair Reid        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
FFI mailing list

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