Alastair wrote about performGC (snipped)
> It'd be nice to say that it has to be a full GC - but I've no idea
> how to specify that in a non-operational (i.e., implementation
> dependent) way.

George Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I certainly don't think you should constrain implementations to be
> able to perform a "full GC" in any sense.  It is possible if
> unlikely that someone will get along to implementing the
> "HaskellKit", where GC is entirely dispensed with and replaced by
> region analysis.  Even if that's not the case, I certainly hope that
> one of these days someone will get along to implementing a Haskell
> compiler that does at least some easy region analysis.

Region-based systems have the quite wonderful property that garbage is
disposed of promptly - you don't have to wait for the next GC for the
memory to be released.  Which means that performGC becomes a nullop.

[That said, I'm not sure that region-based analysis is all that easy
in the presence of lazy evaluation since it is so critically tied to
estimating lifetimes.]

> Also there are probably hard-real-time GC algorithms (like Baker's
> treadmill) or algorithms which are close to being hard-real-time
> (like the train algorithm) where doing a "full GC" would be a major
> pain.

The desired property is that the runtime system releases all
unreachable objects.  

To make the fine-grained GCs (i.e., those that do a little GC now and
then instead of a full GC) do this, all you need is stop mutating or
allocating objects and then keep invoking the GC until it gets round
to where it was when you started.  There's usually some kind of
colouring or 'epoch' mechanism that lets you know when you're back
where you started.

Of course, you trash any real-time properties in the process - see
recent mail by me in the archive or my old paper for ideas on how to
lessen that or dream up your own ideas for how to make two real time
GCs work together nicely.

[Again, though, I'm not sure there's much danger of a RT GC being
added to Haskell - it's too hard estimating execution time, memory
usage, etc. so making your GC more predictable doesn't seem like a
major win.]

In short, I think the current design is perfectly adequate for
interfacing current systems to C code and will extend nicely in the
future as motivating examples make actual needs.  For example, even if
we had a finer grained version of performGC, I expect most people
would find that performGC provided the functionality that they need so
they'd write their own (using a finer-grained interface) if we didn't
provide it for them - only those who have real time programs
interfacing to Haskell would make use of the finer-grained interface.

Alastair Reid                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Reid Consulting (UK) Limited

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