I want to write a Haskell interface to a C library that provides two data structures A and B, where B is contained in A. That is, if A is freed, then B is automatically freed, too.

There are two ways to obtain a Ptr B. Either construct it separately or as part of A, i.e.

  b0 :: Ptr B
  b0 <- createB

  b1 :: Ptr B
  b1 <- getBofA =<< createA

Now I want to let the garbage collector manage the resources for B in a ForeignPtr. The first case is easy:

  fb0 :: ForeignPtr B
  fb0 <- newForeignPtr deleteB =<< createB

But how to create an fb1?

  fa1 :: ForeignPtr A
  fa1 <- newForeignPtr deleteA =<< createA

  fb1 :: ForeignPtr B
  fb1 <- newForeignPtr ??? =<< withForeignPtr fa1 getBofA

Obviously, there is nothing I can insert for ???. fb1 must not have its own finalizer, because fa1 already has one. But I have to make sure that fa1 lives at least as long as fb1. How to do that?
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