
On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 02:13:17PM +0100, Juliet Fru wrote:
> Hello,
> I am Juliet Fru, a sophomore, Computer Engineering student of the
> University of Buea. I'm intererested in working on the  MPEG-4 Audio
> Lossless Coding (ALS) encoder project. I'll like to be added as a
> propective student for this project.

added you to the page
btw you can retry to register on trac/wiki, ive marked your last
attempt as ham so it might work now, or try from a different IP as
the one you used is on several dnsbl lists.

> I'll also like to get some
> pointers on how to get started on this project and what is need to
> complete the qualification task.

thilo, paul and stefano would be the right ones to talk to
assuming one of them agrees to mentor this in OPW (the page is laregly
copied from our last GSOC)

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