On Tue, Apr 07, 2015 at 10:22:17AM +1000, Peter Ross wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 06, 2015 at 07:24:35PM +0100, Derek Buitenhuis wrote:
> > On 4/6/2015 4:43 AM, Michael Niedermayer wrote:
> [..]
> > > * Conferences / exhibitions, public stuff
> > >   Theres a conference, linuxtag, fosdem, whatever, wherever in your local 
> > > area
> > >   and you think FFmpeg should be represented there ?
> > 
> > FWIW, I attend FOSDEM and VDD representing both FFmpeg and Libav as well as 
> > $dayjob,
> > (just to make sure everyone on every side hates me ;)). I also talked at 
> > IBC at EBU's
> > booth about open source media, and will be in Berlin for SMPTE's 
> > circlejerk^Wforum
> > in May, as talking about open source media (FFmpeg especially). I'm not the 
> > only
> > one, and I think this is pretty well covered in recent years.
> I am thinking of submitting a FFmpeg themed paper to LCA'2016 (Linux 
> Conference Australia).
> If anyone wants to contribute please yell out.
> Topic idea to be decided. Maybe:
> - survey of compression algorithm reuse amongst all our codecs. Might be a 
> lot of work to do, but would be interesting.
> - or describe less known capabilities of FFmpeg.
> - ...
> The LCA call for proposals opens in July-August. 
> My spare time is limited, so to have something ready I need to make a start 
> soon.

Anyone? Ping me.
"The tentative close date for Presentations, Tutorials and Prototypes is 6th 
If you are proposing a Miniconf, you must submit your proposal by 6th July."

-- Peter
(A907 E02F A6E5 0CD2 34CD 20D2 6760 79C5 AC40 DD6B)

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