Here I give an other offer!

Through a local LUG mailing list I see your need, and one of the service I
offer is that :)

I'm a member of guifi.net project and for several years I'm member of
marsupi.org project (autogestioned servers). The years passed and now I'm
an ISP (I offer internet to users and for last 2 months hosting and
housing). The name of the ISP is capa8 (layer8 in catalan/spanish).

Now we have not a SAN with 4Tb of size, so the best way is to offer you

The prices are:
- 1U Housing (+3Mbit transfer 95%): 50€+taxes/month
- 1 IPv4 Public IP: 10€+taxes/month
- 1 IPv6 Global /64 range: FREE

4 Tb are about 12,64Mbit, so if we rest the 3Mbit that come with the server
the additional trasfer will cost about 68€+taxes/month.

In global, the price will be about 128€+taxes/month, 1536€+taxes/month that
in USD are about 1675USD

Our datacenter is linked by redunded wifi to our main guifi.net gateway in
one hop, and we have about 400-450/400-450Mbps of speed.

Also there's an other option, that is about 120€+taxes/month that is in the
same datacenter that there's the guifi.net gateway and there we have 10Gbps
of speed. The IPv4 and the transfer prices are the same that in the other
place. Also is housing.

If you are interested, please contact me to i...@capa8.net

Thanks you much.

- Blackhold
~> cal lluitar contra el fort per deixar de ser febles, i contra nosaltres
mateixos quan siguem forts (Esquirols)
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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